The 2nd IASTED International Conference on
Assistive Technologies
AT 2012
February 15 – 17, 2012
Innsbruck, Austria
Biography of the Conference Chair
Since 1997, he is full professor working at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technical University of Košice, and now as the Head of the Department of Automation, Control and Human-Machine Interactions. He is also in charge of the Head of the Access Centre at the Technical University of Košice, serving to students with disabilities.He was born in Košice, Slovakia in 1950. He received his Ing. Degree in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Košice in 1974 and doctoral degree PhD in 1981. Since that time he was working at the same Faculty in different positions as senior assistant, associate professor (1984), head of department, vicerector. He has been cooperating with other European Universities for long time as Coordinator for Erasmus and CEEPUS mobilities, Contractor and Coordinator for several projects in TEMPUS Phare, Socrates Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, 6FP, and 7FP projects. He is member of several Slovak Professional Associations, including Slovak Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics, and member of International Committees - IMEKO TC17, chairman of ICTA Europe Rehabilitation International, national contact and member of Board in AAATE, and national coordinator of EDeAN and EASTIN