The 15th IASTED International Conference on
Computers and Advanced Technology in Education
CATE 2012

June 25 – 27, 2012
Napoli, Italy


Innovative Web Technologies as Enabler of Individual Approach to Higher Education

Dr. Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke
Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany

Dr. Karsten Henke
Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany


The current trends in higher education are marked by more and more individual approaches to educational content. Nowadays students can have access to knowledge anywhere and whenever they want. The task of teaching is changing from a content presentation style to a motivating and coaching style. The main question is: What and how students have to learn in the future? Is it necessary to provide them lots of facts? Are they able to find and evaluate information by themselves? What we have to give them is the ability for critical thinking and curiosity. We have to motivate and guide them in self-studies and teach them methods to navigate in the huge amount of information via the Internet. The other important task for teachers is to assess the competencies of the students, give them feedback in their individual studies, and, finally, award them as bachelor, master or PhD.
In our talk we will discuss, how innovative Web technologies can support these future rules of teachers. We will provide examples of teaching scenarios and show actual developments as well as discuss future requirements to learning environments to support those processes.
Keywords: advanced e-learning scenarios, innovative Web-technologies, educational applications


Biographies of the Keynote Speakers

Conference Chair PortraitDr. Wuttke obtained his PhD and Facultas Docendi in Computer Science at the Ilmenau University of Technology. His research experiences and interests are in the fields of developing and organizing e-learning content and systems, remote laboratories and computer systems as well as in the field of digital systems test and validation. He leads several national and international projects such as Thuringia education portal, DILDIS-Distance Learning on Digital Systems, ERADOS, ETN DEC - European Thematic Network for Doctoral Education in computer science, REAL - Remote Engineering and Application Laboratory, TARET - Training in Advanced Remote Technologies, TRICE - Teaching, Research And Innovation In Education Computing, goJTAG, and others. Dr. Wuttke has more than 50 publications in the last 5 years; he is also serves several international conferences and scientific journals as an reviewer. He has a 25 years experience in teaching at a university and is supervisor of master and PhD students. Dr. Wuttke is a member of national and international professional associations.
Conference Chair PortraitDr. Henke obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the Ilmenau University of Technology. He is currently a member of the scientific staff at the Department of Integrated Communication Systems. He has significant experience and expertise in distance learning development as well as Web-based educational and training systems, methods and tools for the design and verification of embedded control systems for many years. He has a 20 years experience in teaching at a university and is supervisor of master and PhD students. Furthermore he is participating in projects funded by the European Union. He is Vice-President of the International Association of Online Engineering and editorial board member of the “International Journal of Online Engineering” journal.