The Second IASTED Asian Conference on
Power and Energy Systems
AsiaPES 2008

April 2 – 4, 2008
Langkawi, Malaysia


Prof. Khalid Mohamed Nor
University of Technology, Malaysia, Malaysia







Tutorial Materials


Target Audience


Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants


Biography of the Conference Chair


I am a professor in the Faculty of Engineering, University Technology Malaysia, where I joined in September 2005 as a senior Professor. I graduated from the University of Liverpool England, with a first Class Honours in Electrical Engineering in July 1977. As one of the top students in the University of Liverpool I won the Liverpool Workingmen prize. I then obtained a M.Sc in Dec 1978 from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in Electrical Power System Analysis and Control. I began my Ph.D study in January 1979 in the same Institute and completed it in January 1981.
My postgraduate studies have been sponsored by the Public Service department of Malaysia and I was given a study leave by the University of Malaya which I joined as a tutor in 1977. After completing my Ph.D, I joined the department of Electrical Engineering University of Malaya. I was promoted to an Associate Professor in 1987 and later as a Professor in January 1992. I have served a Head of Electrical Engineering Department, UM for three years and then as a Deputy Dean of the Faculty Engineering, University of Malaya for another three years.
In 1992, under the Asian Development Bank industrial attachment programme, Prof. Khalid spent two months at an incubator centre company of the Rensselear Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY, USA. In 1993, he was awarded a Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship and spent nine months at the Institute of Power and Energy Economics, Technical University Of Aachen, Germany.

I have taught undergraduate courses for over 25 years. In addition I have taught in Masters programme by course and dissertation. Has supervised many Ph.D and M.Sc Students by research. Currently I am supervising five Ph.D and 1 Master Students.

My research interest and specialisation is in
1. The Electrical Power System analysis,
2. The application of optimisation techniques to large scale problems such as economic dispatch, unit commitment and optimal power flow.
3. Computer Graphical User Interface for power system.
4. Electric Power quality and
5. Cogeneration, Grid-Connected Wind Turbine, Grid-Connected Photovoltaic system and Energy efficiency.

